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Orange and Lemon Surprise

4 Oranges
3 Lemons
75ml Water
150g Sugar

Serves 4

  1. Wash the oranges and 2 of the lemons.

  2. With a potato peeler, the peel the rinds from the 2 lemons.

  3. Place the peeled rinds in a saucepan with the water and sugar.

  4. Stir over a low heat until the sugar has dissolved, bring to the boil and boil for 1 minute without stirring, leave to cool for 1 hour.

  5. Squeeze all the lemons and make up to 150ml with water in necessary.

  6. Cut the top third off the oranges and carefully squeeze the juice from the bottom two-thirds (you will need to use a lemon squeezer). Do not spilt the shells (orange skin).

  7. Strain both lemon and orange juices together they should measure 425ml.

  8. Remove the remaining flesh from the orange shells with a teaspoon.

  9. Place the orange shells and tops in the freezer and freeze.

  10. Pour the orange and lemon juice into a large bowl (something that you can freeze), strain the sugar syrup and stir well. Freeze for about 2 hours until frozen to width of 1 inch around the edge.

  11. Remove from the freezer and stir well with a metal spoon until evenly blended.

  12. Return to the freezer until frozen to a firm consistency, about 2 hours.

  13. Stir every hour during the freezing process.

  14. Fill the orange shells with the water ice mounding it well on top, replace the tops pressing them on at an angle return to the freezer, until required the longer you can leave them in the freezer the better.

  15. To serve place on a plate and leave at room temperature for about 5 minutes.

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