Jam Making with your Kids
You will love these Easy Jam Recipes.
We all have our favorite Jam to spread on our toast or filling in our Cakes, and many of us are scared of making jam, but with these Easy Jam Recipes, you will spend many fun days picking fruit and then preserving and bottling it with the kids.
Hints and Tips on Jam Making.
The Fruit
This should be sound and just ripe; if necessary it is better to have it slightly under-ripe than over-ripe.
Fruits which give a good set when made into jam are apples, red and black currants, damsons, gooseberries and plums.
Fruits giving a light or poor set are strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, apricots, rhubarb, melon and also marrow.
However it is possible to obtain a good set from these fruits if:-
A. A good setting fruit is mixed with them – for example Apples with Blackberries.
B. An acid is added Eg, lemon juice or citric or tartaric acid.
C. A commercial bottled pectin is used following the directions on the bottle.
The Sugar
Lump, Preserving or Granulated Sugar can be used. The only advantage of preserving sugar is that it dissolves more quickly.
Warming the sugar before adding it, which is recommended in some Jam Recipes, also serves the same purpose.
Preparation and Cooking
Pick the fruit over and prepare according to type, then wash it quickly.
Put the fruit into a preserving pan or large, strong saucepan, add water as directed in the recipe, and simmer gently until it is quite tender.
The time will vary according to the fruit – tough skinned ones such as gooseberries, blackcurrants, plums etc, will a 1/2 to 3/4 Hour.
Remove the pan from the heat and add the sugar, stir well until this has dissolved, then return the pan to the heat and boil rapidly, stirring constantly, until the jam sets when tested.
Testing for a Set
Temperature Test
This the most accurate method. Stir the jam, put in a sugar thermometer and when the temperature reaches 221F, a set should be obtained.
Some fruits may need 1 degree lower or higher than this, so it is a good idea to combine this test with one of the following:-
Flake Test
Stir the jam with a wooden spoon, then lift and turn the spoon to cool it a little and allow the jam to drop.
If it has been boiled long enough, it will partly set on the spoon, and drops will run together to form flakes which fall off the spoon.
Saucer Test
Put a very little of the jam on a cold saucer or plate, allow it to cool, then push your finger across the top of the jam, when the surface should wrinkle.
(The pan should be removed from the heat during this test or it may boil too long.)
Potting and Covering
The yield of the jam and the number of jars needed is easy to work out; as the sugar content of the finished jam should not be less than 60 per cent.
A recipe than needs 3lb of sugar should yield 5lb of jam.
The jars used for jam making MUST be clean and free from flaws and they must be warmed before the jam is put in.
As soon as set has been reached, pour the jam into the jars, filling right to the necks.
The only exception are strawberry and other whole-fruit jams and also marmalades- these should be allowed to cool for about 15 minutes before being potted, to prevent the fruit rising in the pots.
Wipe the outside and rims of the pots and cover the jam with a waxed disc, wax side down, making sure it lies flat.
Add a cellophane cover, wiping it with a damp cloth so that when it dries the cover is taut.
Hold the cover in place with a rubber band, label the jar and store in a cool, dark place.
Below you will find some Jam Recipes that as a family we love to make and ones shared by other visitors to this website.
Easy Jam Recipes
Plum Jam
6lb Plums
6lb Sugar
1 1/2 Pints Water
Wash the fruit and cut in halves, removing the stones.
Put the water, kernels and plums into a pan, bring slowly to boiling point and simmer gently until the fruit is cooked and the liquid reduced.
Add the sugar, stir until dissolved and bring to the boil. Boil the briskly for about 10-15 minutes and test for jelling.
Pot the jam and cover as usual.
(yield 10lb)
Apricot Jam
1lb Dried Apricots
3 Pints Water
Juice of 1 Lemon
3lb Sugar
2-3oz Shelled Almonds (Optional)
Wash the apricots thoroughly, cover with the water and soak for 24 hours.
Put the fruit into a pan with the water in which it was soaked, add the lemon juice and simmer for 1/2 hour, or until soft, stirring from time to time.
Add the sugar and almonds, stir until the sugar has dissolved and boil rapidly until setting point is reached, stirring frequently, as the jam tends to stick.
Pot and cover in the usual way.
(yield 5lb)
Damson Jam
5lb Damsons
6lb Sugar
1 1/2 Pints Water
Wash the damsons, add the water, bring to the boil and simmer until the fruit is cooked.
Add the sugar, stir until dissolved and bring to the boil.
Boil quickly, removing the stones with a slotted spoon as they rise.
After about 10 minutes boiling, test for setting. Pot and cover in the usual way.
(yield 9-10lb)
Strawberry Jam Recipes
Blackcurrant Jam Recipe
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