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Muffin Recipe

Muffin Recipe ingredients can be as simple or exotic as you like.I find as long as you have the basic ingredients in your larder you can pretty much add anything else to them that you have lying around your kitchen, from savory to sweet.

Muffins are very easy and quick to make, I know you may think that can’t be true when you see the ones in your local store or coffee shop.
You can have delicious Muffins in just over half an hour and not only will you have the satisfaction of baking them yourself, they’ll be better for you than the store bought muffins as you know exactly what has gone in them and you can adjust them to your families liking.

Also when it comes to baking muffins you don’t have to spend a fortune on equipment, yes you’ll need a muffin pan and it is really up to you which one you go for, but at the moment I am loving the silicone Muffin Pans that are around as I no longer need to buy paper cases for my muffins and the family love the fact that they no longer have to peel off the paper and try and eat the bits of muffin that is still stuck to it.

As I said you can make what ever muffins you and your family like, we often have them for breakfast so these tend to have Bran in them, these are great for getting the kids to eat something in the morning when they are in a rush.

Muffins can also be good for lunch boxes or as a mid day snack especially if you can hide fruit in them, it all helps towards that 5 a day. Dried, Frozen, Fresh and even tinned fruit can be used, whatever you have to hand or even afford to put in.

My daughter loves the dried fruit muffins that I make the best and my husband loves the banana and cinnamon, but of course my son and I love the chunky chocolate ones best of all.

The best thing about these muffins are that once you’ve made them, if they don’t all get eaten straight away, they can be frozen and taken out whenever you require them so if you all like different ones then you’ll always please everyone (well here’s hoping..)

Enjoy baking I hope you find your favorite Muffin Recipe.

Blueberry Muffins

Banana Muffins

Double Chocolate Muffins

Carrot and Pineapple Muffins

Jumbo Bran Muffins

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