Home Uncategorised Fishcakes


450g Fresh Salmon                                                                              2 Cups of Fresh Salmon

                      Wedge of Lemon                                                                                 Wedge of Lemon

                      Small Bay Leaf                                                                                     Small Bay Leaf

                      Parsley Sprigs                                                                                      Parsley Sprigs

                      25g Butter                                                                                             1/8 Cup Butter

                      1 Onion (finely chopped)                                                                      1 Onion (finely chopped)

                      450g Mashed Potatoes                                                                        2 Cups Mashed Potatoes

                      2 Tbls Chopped Fresh Parsley                                                            1/8 Cup Fresh Chopped Parsley

                     Dried Breadcrumbs to coat                                                                   Dried Breadcrumbs to coat

                     Butter and Oil to fry                                                                               Butter and Oil to fry

                     Ground Black Pepper                                                                           Ground Black Pepper

                  Preparation : 10 Minutes                                                                    Cooking Time : 20 Minutes

Serves 4.

  1. Rinse the fish and cut it into medium sized pieces. Put it into a pan with the lemon, bay leaf, a few of the parsley sprigs and enough cold water to cover. Bring slowly to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer gently for 5-7 minutes.

  2. When cool enough to handle, flake the fish and remove any skin and bones. Melt the butter in a large pan and add the onions cook gently for a few minutes, until softened but not coloured. Add the fish to the mashed potatoes and chopped parsley. Season to taste with the pepper.

  3. Turn the mixture out onto your work surface which has been generously covered with the breadcrumbs. Divide the mixture into eight pieces and form into flat cakes and coat them with the breadcrumbs.

  4. Heat a little butter with equal amounts of oil into a heavy bottomed Frying pan, add the fish cake (in batches in necessary) and fry until golden brown on both sides. Drain and serve straight away.

Variations: You could use any white fish or smoked fish instead of the salmon and you may prefer to use oatmeal instead of breadcrumbs.

Cook’s Tip: Don’t include more potato than fish otherwise the fishcakes will lack flavour. To make the Mashed Potato, cook the potatoes in salted boiling water for 20 minutes until tender, then drain well add a little milk and mash until smooth. This can be done the day before or using leftovers.

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