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Blackcurrant Jam Recipe

After a day picking Blackcurrants I find there is nothing better than getting out this blackcurrant jam recipe.

This fruit can be very tart and sour tasting which kids don’t like, but adding the sugar will turn them into the most delightful preserve which you can use.
To make about 10lb of Blackcurrant Jam you will need:-

4lb Blackcurrants
6lb Sugar
3 Pints of Water

String and wash the fruit and put it into a preserving pan with the water.
Simmer gently until it is tender and the contents of the pan are really well reduced.
As the fruit begins to pulp, stir frequently to prevent burning.
Add the sugar and bring to the boil, boil hard for 10 minutes and test for a set.
As soon as the jam sets, pot and cover in the usual way.

Once you and the kids have made your jam following this blackcurrant jam recipe, you could enjoy your delights with this Pancake recipe.
4oz Plain Flour
A Pinch of Salt
1 Egg
1/2 Pint Milk and Water, mixed
Your Homemade Black Currant Jam

Make a batter from the flour, salt, egg and liquid.
Heat a small knob of the lard in a thick-based frying pan and pour the excess, or wipe round the pan with some kitchen paper.
Transfer the batter mixture to a jug and pour sufficient batter to the pan to give a thin pancake.

Cook until golden-brown, loosen the pancake from the sides of the pan with a round-bladed knife and turn it over to cook on the other side.
Then spread your preserve on one side of the pancake and enjoy.
You could leave the pancakes on waxed paper until you have used all of the batter and then serve.

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